CoinCarp app is the #1 Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), and other cryptocurrencies prices, crypto exchanges,...
CoinCarp app is the #1 Bitcoin, Ethereum (ETH), and other cryptocurrencies prices, crypto exchanges, crypto news and events tracking app. Keep track of all daily live coin and token prices, charts, coin stats, and market cap. Stay informed on the latest crypto events(such as New Token Listing, Airdrop, Tokenomics, Partnership, etc.), and crypto exchange announcements, check crypto market movement, and monitor your customized crypto portfolio in one single app! Using CoinCarp, you can find out the background of 20,000+ cryptocurrencies, including the white paper, founders, features, rich list, and smart contracts. Predict Bitcoin & other crypto price changes by watching crypto exchanges on-chain wallet balances in real-time. Get to know the updating crypto exchanges and crypto wallet ranking and find out the best one to buy and store your digital assets(Bitcoin, Ethereum, altcoins, and NFT). Start using the best Bitcoin and altcoin price converter and independent crypto data aggregator - CoinCarp today and make the best decision on your investments!CoinCarp NEW FREE crypto coin token price tracker app allows you to:🚀 Track cryptocurrency prices in real-time, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Cardano, etc.🚀 Set up your watchlist and track your favorite coins and tokens. Capture every opportunity to invest in potential cryptocurrencies. 🚀Stay up to date with updating crypto events, such as news, token listing, airdrops, and partnerships.🚀Convert more than 10,000 currencies including fiat & cryptocurrencies instantly.🚀Find out the crypto exchanges and wallet ranking. Choose the best place to buy and sell crypto.TRACK 20,000+ CRYPTO COIN TOKEN PRICESLive crypto coin token price data, volume, market capitalization, and historical price tracking. We track all kinds of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, SHIB, new altcoins, and more from 200+ crypto exchanges! Play-to-earn games tokens, Metaverse tokens, Web 3 tokens, and Memes are all covered by CoinCarp!800+ CRYPTO EXCHANGE RANKING DATACoinCarp ranks crypto exchanges including spot exchanges (CEX), decentralized exchanges (DEX), and derivatives (Futures & Perpetual) according to trading volume, web traffic, social trends, on-chain balance, etc. You can also find out the on-chain wallet balance change data of Binance, Coinbase Pro, OKX, FTX, Huobi, Kucoin, and more.150+ CRYPTO WALLET RANKINGCoinCarp collects and ranks the most popular crypto wallets. You can find out the supported chain of each wallet in one app! Learn to know the main features of each crypto wallet easily.CRYPTO - FIAT CONVERTERYou can convert crypto to crypto, crypto to fiat, by using the CoinCarp crypto prices converter. 40+ fiat currencies ( USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, JPY, CNY, INR, HKD, CHF, SGD, MYR, RUB, PH, and more!) 10000+ cryptocurrencies supported( BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, BNB, SOL, XRP and more!). CRYPTO EVENT CALENDARCoinCarp brings all crypto events to a single screen so you can easily stay on top of the market. So you will not miss a single opportunity.MORE FEATURES COMING SOON...Download CoinCarp app TODAY and make YOUR crypto investment EASY!Where can you reach out to us for queries?For Users: [email protected] Exchanges/Projects: [email protected]: